charitable group
英 [ˈtʃærətəbl ɡruːp]
美 [ˈtʃærətəbl ɡruːp]
- Two-thirds of Tata Sons is owned by charitable trusts that are part of the Tata Group. Thus the whole historical movement is concentrated in the hands of the bourgeoisie;
的集团资产掌握在其从属的公益信托公司手中。因此,整个历史运动都集中在资产阶级手里; - YCECEA is a charitable organization with both individual and group membership.
本会为一慈善团体,会员分为个人及团体两类。 - Tata also is proud of its tradition of giving money to important causes.2/3 of Tata Sons is owned by charitable trusts that are part of the Tata Group.
塔塔为重要事业资金支持的优良传统引以为荣。塔塔子公司的三分之二的股份是由隶属塔塔集团一部分的公益信托所掌管。 - Each of five beds is sponsored by a different charitable group.
按照医院的使命,每五张住院床位就有一张是由不同的慈善组织赞助付费的。 - In the Late Qing Dynasty, charitable activities in Jiangnan were very active, philanthropists kept in touch with each other directly or indirectly, gradually they formed a Jiangnan-based regional social network, namely, the Late Qing Jiangnan charitable group.